Research on Airgel Thermal Insulation Coating to Ensure Personal Safety

 According to statistics from the American Burns Association, about 4,000 patients are hospitalized annually due to occupational exposure to burn 1 and there are many burns that are not statistically reported. The loss of time and output, medical expenses, litigation costs and other effects related to these burns, the loss of millions of profits, more importantly, the mental and physical suffering endured by the victim is money Can not buy. There are many hot, non-insulated pipes, containers and other equipment in industrial facilities around the world, all of which are sources of danger and can cause contact burns to employees. While most agencies aim to maintain the safety of workers in the workplace, they are often difficult to solve or costly to implement.
ASTM Standards C1055 and C1057 provide process engineers and system taxonomists with detailed analytical methods to determine how to make their processes safer and burn free, and define the condition of acceptable heating surfaces in the workplace 2,3. These recognized Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance (OSHA) 4 standards also describe the use of instrumentation to measure the level of safety these installation systems can provide.
Until recently, when the heating system needed to be improved to ensure personal safety, alternative methods were still conventional thermal insulation methods such as the use of fiberglass or rockwool to protect the body or to take regulatory measures (HazCom logo). Although traditional or fiber-based insulation is sufficient to reduce the risk of burns, it increases the risk of corrosion under the insulation (CUI) and is difficult and expensive to install, especially in the case of large, in use, or When designing complex systems.
Recent advances in thermal barrier coating technology are a breakthrough for heating system operators looking for ways to protect against burn injuries. Just a thin coating to meet the safety requirements of surface burn protection. The thermal barrier coating can be applied using conventional methods, the cost of construction is less than the cost of mechanical thermal insulation, and the end product is very durable and corrosion resistant.
The distinction between existing insulation coatings is based on the type of thermal insulation additives used. Traditionally, the main method of thermal insulation has been to use hollow ceramic microspheres with improved thermal insulation properties due to their hollow construction. Recently, formulators have begun to use airgel particles as a major additive in thermal insulation coatings. Airgel, a highly porous solid material known for its excellent thermal and thermal insulation properties, is made from amorphous silica as the base structure. The thermal conductivity of the porous structural material is about 0.012 W / m · K (0.007 Btu-ft / [h-ft2 ° F]), the thermal conductivity of the ceramic microspheres is 0.05~0.2 W / m · K 0.116 Btu-ft / [h-ft2 ° F]. Unlike the degradation of the properties of a hollow sphere, the airgel particles can be comminuted without losing their thermal insulation properties.
Burning hazard guide and temperature sensation finder
ASTMC1055 outlines what can cause reversible or irreversible skin damage, giving time and temperature thresholds to industrial and consumer products. In an industrial environment, a contact time of 5 seconds may cause pain when the temperature is between 44C (111T) -48_C (11BT). One burn at 58C (137'F), a second burn at 61C (141T) or higher
ASTMC1057 emphasizes the use of tools such as temperature sensation gauges to determine under what surface conditions burns. In particular, the standard outlines how to calculate or measure the skin contact temperature (Tc), defined as the temperature at the interface between the epidermis and dermis of the skin, about 80 to 100 microns below the skin surface.
The temperature sensor consists of a thermocouple embedded in a silicone controlled "finger" of temperature and directly measures the temperature of 100 microns from the surface of the silicone tissue. This measurement is very close to the actual skin contact temperature 7 of existing heating systems.

Thermal insulation paint evaluation
The skin contact temperature Tc at the time of 5-minute contact with the coating material of 4 types of commercially available thermal insulating materials, such as a ceramic and an airgel, was evaluated using the temperature sensor, and the acrylic paint was used as a reference. Figure 2 shows the properties of a 40 mil thick coating with a substrate temperature of 160x: and 200x:.
Airgel Coating A shows superior performance at both substrate temperatures. Airgel Coating A reduces the skin contact temperature of the 160C substrate by more than 14X: compared to the ceramic coating, and 200x: the skin contact temperature of the substrate by more than 18X:.
When it comes to personal protection, contact for 5 seconds, a skin contact temperature of less than 3X: (5T) difference means no burn and no difference in OSHA recorded injury (see Figure 1), which means that with ceramic coatings Compared to the airgel insulation coating can provide greater security space.
Beyond the safety protection without burn protection
Personal protection at the factory workplace is more than just preventing burns. The ASTM standard states that the first burn that begins to occur is the upper limit of hot surface exposure to an injury event. However, an accidental exposure of an employee to such a surface may be like a discomfort experienced and will leave the surface reflexively. This reflex response can cause a variety of safety problems, especially when working in workplaces that are close to or crowded with each other. Only a few millimeters thick of an airgel insulation coating can prevent this from happening, not only keeping the skin contact temperature below the threshold of irreversible skin lesions but also near or below the threshold of pain.
Less coating means increased economic efficiency
Unlike typical coatings, thicker coatings are used for ballast coatings using thermal barrier coatings of ceramic beads and airgel particles. Ceramic microsphere functional coatings can be applied at thicknesses of 15 to 20 mils (0.37 to 0.5 mm) and airgel functional coatings can be applied at thicknesses of up to 60 mils (1.5 mm) or larger.

Research on Airgel Thermal Insulation Coating to Ensure Personal Safety
The thickness of the thermal barrier coating is specified according to the thermal resistance required for the application. A comparison of the thermal resistances of the different coatings in Table 1 shows that the single-pass thermal resistance (R-value per coating) of the airgel coating is 6 to 11 times that of the ceramic microspheres. This means that 6 to 11 ceramic coatings are required to be equivalent to a single Aero Function Coating A. In order to achieve safe surface contact conditions when measuring substrate temperature, the ceramic coating needs multiple passes, resulting in a significant cost increase due to increased equipment installation time, equipment downtime and other equipment installation delays. In contrast, single-channel aerogels provide better protection from burns at service temperatures up to 200 ° C (392 ° F).
Airgel Coatings: The Future of Personal Safety
Today there is a hot surface in almost all industrial and commercial environments, and facility operators must protect employees from these hazards in order to comply with OSHA regulations and internal safety guidelines. Airgel additives, such as Cabot's Enova® Airgel, allow formulators to create a new generation of protective coatings for applications that require personnel not to touch hot surfaces. Easier to construct and more cost effective, testing has shown that aero-gel insulation coatings provide a dramatic improvement in protection from burn injuries compared to other commercially available coatings - providing facilities operators with solutions for personal protection A breakthrough opportunity.



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